Rogers - St. Michael
In late 2014, Governor Dayton and MnDOT Commissioner Charles Zelle announced that the Corridors of Commerce program would invest $35-$46 million to allow for the capacity expansion of I-94 from Highway 101 in Rogers to Highway 241 in St. Michael. October 2015 marked the successful completion of construction and opening of the lane capacity expansion.
This region has witnessed various benefits since the announcement and completion of this phase, such as:
- Quality of life: a 55% reduction in total vehicle delay, reduced by approximately 350 hours per day
- Economic growth: Close to 3 million square feet of new industrial development
- Return on Investment: Average of $2.10 in property taxes for every additional square foot, approximately $6.2 million annually

St. Michael - Albertville
On May 1, 2018 the Minnesota Department of Transportation announced that the I-94 lane expansion project from St. Michael to Albertville will be included in the Corridors of Commerce funding. The project will receive the full $56 million necessary to complete the lane capacity expansion.
The $56 million allocated in 2018 will be for lane capacity expansion, bridge work, off ramp improvements, and other necessary upgrades. The project is expected to begin in 2020.
In addition to transportation improvements, this project has the opportunity to attract business development, expand the tax base, initiate job growth and reduce travel time. All of which were exhibited benefits that were a result of the lane capacity completion from Rogers to St. Michael in 2015.

Albertville - Monticello
From Albertville to Monticello.
Brockton/610 Lane Interchange
The Brockton Lane Interchange will address a six-mile I-94 interchange gap between the City of Maple Grove and Rogers. More importantly, the Brockton Lane Interchange will improve the freight system by adding auxiliary lanes (east and westbound) and building a local roadway system that supports heavy commercial vehicles. The proposed interchange and freight improvements will improve freight logistics (e.g., route efficiencies, outflow/inflow of goods, and operations), while improving the corridor’s overall safety and mobility.

St. Cloud
The Coalition will work with MnDOT District 3 to continue expansion and improvements efforts west along the I-94 Corridor by seeking additional funding for the completion of this project.