Supporting Commerce
Economic Development
Completing the capacity expansion of the proposed project is crucial for attracting needed economic development along the corridor, resulting in economic growth and local tax benefits.
Quality of life: a 55% reduction in total vehicle delay, reduced by approximately 350 hours per day
Economic growth: Close to 3 million square feet of new industrial development
Return on Investment: Average of $2.10 in property taxes for every additional square foot, approximately $6.2 million annually

Putting First Things First
Crash and severity rates on this corridor between Maple Grove and Albertville are higher than the statewide average for a highway.
The segment between Rogers and Albertville alone are nearly twice the statewide average.
This segment averages 1.4 accidents per day, 58 of those being critical incidents
Sunday afternoon between the times of 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm is the second most likely time for an accident to occur along this corridor, Monday morning being the first. This is a result of the heavy traffic from weekend commuters who are traveling along the corridor.

Enriching Lives
Quality of Life
Our efforts are showing results with Phase 1, Rogers to. St. Michael, has resulted in a 55% reduction in total vehicle delay!
Quality of life is a high priority to Minnesotans. Strategic improvements are necessary to ensure that the enhancements to key regional connections are made possible for those living near or traveling through the I-94 West corridor.
Studies have found that a daily commuters travel time has a serious impact on an individual’s overall wellness. Longer commute times are proven to be a negative contributing factor to the physical and mental health of a commuter. (TIME article)

Freight Mobility
Completing the capacity expansion of the proposed project is crucial for attracting needed economic development along the corridor, resulting in economic growth and local tax benefits.
Rogers – St. Michaels completed capacity expansion has produced proven economic development results:
• Quality of life: a 55% reduction in total travel time, reduced by approximately 350 hours per day
• Economic growth: Close to 3 million square feet of new industrial development
• Return on Investment: Average of $2.10 in property taxes for every additional square foot, approximately $6.2 million annually