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On March 28, supporters of the I-94 Coalition testified before the Minnesota Senate Transportation Finance and Policy Committee to voice the coalition’s support for Senate File 3837, a constitutional amendment that would allocate state general sales tax revenue related to motor vehicle repair and replacement parts exclusively to fund roads. Senator Scott Newman, Chair of the[…]

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The 2018 Legislative Session is off to an exciting start for the I94 West Corridor Coalition! On March 1, House File 3174 was introduced, read, and referred to the Transportation Finance Committee. The bill, authored by Representative Knoblach, Representative Theis, and Representative O’Neill, proposes that a feasibility study for expanding or reconstructing I-94 from St. Michael to[…]

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Transportation leaders and elected officials gathered in Rogers on Friday, February 16 for a legislative preview breakfast hosted by the I-94 West Corridor Coalition. State senators and representatives spoke to coalition supporters about transportation funding basics and priorities that will be focused on during the 2018 Legislative Session. The impressive panel of speakers included (Left[…]

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During the 2017 legislative session, the legislature allocated $400 million to the Corridors of Commerce program. In response, MnDOT decided to select $400 million of projects in the next round of Corridors of Commerce funding. Since the inception of Corridors of Commerce, the funding has been distributed equally between Greater Minnesota and the Metro. Unfortunately,[…]

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Last week, members of the I-94 West Corridor Coalition visited Washington D.C. During this visit, Coalition members met with members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation and the Federal Highway Administration. The group met with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator Al Franken, Congressman Tom Emmer, Congressman Rick Nolan, and a staff member from the office[…]

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Good news for transportation following the 2017 Legislative Session!  During the four-day special session, the House and Senate agreed sent a transportation bill to Governor Dayton that he approved and signed on May 31, 2017. Corridors of Commerce Funding Included The Coalition supported securing a minimum renewed funding level of $300 million for the Corridors[…]

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