It was announce early Tuesday that the I-94 lane expansion project from St. Michael to Albertville will be included in the Corridors of Commerce funding. The project will receive the full $56 million necessary to complete the lane capacity expansion.
“This announcement is great news for residents, businesses, and commuters along the I-94 West Corridor,” remarked Steve Bot, Chair of the I-94 West Corridor Coalition. “Many people have dedicated a lot of time and effort to make this happen. We are beyond happy that MnDOT recognized the need and support for this crucial project and provided us with the means to complete it.”
In the past, the project had already received $1.4 million in Corridors of Commerce funding for initial design and engineering.
The $56 million allocated in 2018 will be for lane capacity expansion, bridge work, off ramp improvements, and other necessary upgrades. The project is expected to begin in 2020.
In addition to transportation improvements, this project has the opportunity to attract business development, expand the tax base, initiate job growth and reduce travel time. All of which were exhibited benefits that were a result of the lane capacity completion from Rogers to St. Michael in 2015.
For additional details on the Corridors of Commerce Projects visit: